Do Nothing Out of Selfish Ambition

Hello Beloved!

In our hustle, busy, work work work culture we know all about ambition. Ambition is an applauded characteristic of an individual that we many times associate with success and riches. This determination to achieve is not all bad. However, as we'll learn, Paul does not warn us against ambition, but selfish ambition. Learn why selfish ambition does not lead to joy and how to maintain a spiritually healthy level of ambition in this week's video.


Comment on this week’s video and let me know how you can use your ambition for the glory of God. As an ambitious woman myself,  I'm looking forward to chatting more on this topic.


Reading: Philippians 2:1-4
READ: What does Paul instruct the Philippians to do to live in unity with one another?
REFLECT: Why is humility an important part of maintaining unity?
RESPOND: How can you cultivate more unity in your relationships?
REQUEST: Pray for a clear understanding of humility and for the power to live humbly.

* The above questions follow our 4”R”s Bible study method and coordinate perfectly with our LIFE Bible Journals giving you the option to keep all your study answers in one convenient place.



Find more study questions, viewer guides, journal prompts and more with the “Relentless Joy” Bible Study guide. If you’ve already purchased your guide today’s study starts on page 40.


Next week we'll discuss why humility leads to joy. I've learned, however, that many don't have a clear understanding of Biblical humility. So we'll earn from the example of Jesus how to live humble lives that lead to joy.

If this week's video was a blessing to you will you share it with a friend? You never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today.

P.S. If you're just joining our "Relentless Joy" video Bible study series, no worries! Each video was created so you can jump in at any time. You can also catch up on all videos in this series here.