3 Tests You Will Face in Your Wilderness Season

Hello Beloved! No one wants to go through a wilderness season. I've learned however, that these seasons have a purpose that we do not want to miss. On the other side of Jesus' wilderness season was a ministry that would bring salvation to the world. On the other side of Elijah's wilderness season was a personal life-changing encounter with God. On the other side of the Israelites' wilderness season was their Promised Land.
Notice the trend?
Our wilderness season is very season God will use to to usher us into the blessings He has for us. The more we trust God in this season the more we will be prepared for our blessing. So in this video I sharing with you 3 tests you will face in your wilderness season and how to pass each one to ensure you are ready for all that is on the other side of your wilderness season.
Now I want to hear from you Beloved! Comment and let me know, what are you hoping for on the other side of your wilderness season? I look forward to chatting more in the comments.
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