Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Hello Beloved!
If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that anxiety is not our friend. It's one of the greatest hindrances to our experiencing joy in Christ. In fact, in today's video the Apostle Paul's advice on anxiety is straight to the point: just don't do it! Of course, we know this is easier said than done. Good for us, Paul also gives us practical steps we cant take to reject anxiety and embrace the joyful life God desires for us. Learn how in this week's video.
Comment on this week’s video and let me know what are you anxious about today and why you believe God is greater than your anxiety. I'm looking forward to reading and replying to your comments.
Reading: Philippians 4:5–9
READ: What does Paul tell the Philippians to do instead of being anxious?
REFLECT: Why do Paul’s instructions lead to a less anxious life?
RESPOND: What can you personally do more of to fight worry and anxiety in your life?
REQUEST: Pray for God’s strength and wisdom to fight worry and anxiety with thanksgiving, prayer, and godly thinking.
* The above questions follow our 4”R”s Bible study method and coordinate perfectly with our LIFE Bible Journals giving you the option to keep all your study answers in one convenient place.
Find more study questions, viewer guides, journal prompts and more with the “Relentless Joy” Bible Study guide. If you’ve already purchased your guide today’s study starts on page 104.
Next week is our last video in the "Relentless Joy" series. Bitter-sweet, I know. It's about our ability to do all things through Christ and I can't think of a better way to conclude this series.
If this week's video was a blessing to you will you share it with a friend? You never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today.
P.S. If you're just joining our "Relentless Joy" video Bible study series, no worries! Each video was created so you can jump in at any time. You can also catch up on all videos in this series here.