4 Ways to Help Your Children Understand the True Meaning of Christmas

I've always loved Christmas and having children has made this season that much more special. It does my heart well to share traditions, love, and gifts with those I love most in this world and see their smiling little faces. As a Christian I also know that gifts are not all I can give my children this Christmas. I know more than anything this is a time for us parents to ensure our Children understand the true meaning of Christmas. With advertising and consumerism that meaning may have been lost in the world but it does not have to be lost in our homes. So here are 3 ways to help your children understand the true meaning of Christmas.
1.) Give toys away.
I don't mean the new toys they will get on Christmas Day. I mean old toys that they have out grown, have multiples of, or simply don't play with anymore. This is probably something you do anyway to keep the house organized and clean but make sure the kids are involved. Allow them to choose the toys to give away. Let them ride with you to the donation center and drop them off. Use this as an opportunity to explain that while they may be privileged to have toys there are other children that are not.
2) Explain the Importance of Giving.
Remind your children Christmas is not all about getting but mostly about giving. So let them give too. Allow them to choose gifts for their siblings, grandparents, and friends. Allow them to get excited about giving. Teach them to give more than gifts. Give back by volunteering at a local food back or local shelter once they are old enough.
3) Do not give them everything they want.
Make it clear to your children that they will not get everything they want. My children ask for every new toy they see in a commercial. Their Christmas lists are long but they understand just because they want something doesn’t mean they will get it. In turn this helps them to appreciate what they do have.
4) Tell Them About Jesus.
Read the birth story of Jesus Christ to them. Even do an Advent family devotional. Just make sure to tell them why we celebrate Christmas and that Jesus gave us the ultimate gift: salvation. If we don't do this it won't happen on its own. If we as parents don't share the real reason behind all the celebration and bring it to the forefront our children will learn to value toys over Christ and the things of this world over a relationship with Him. We must let them know Christ is greater and what better season to do it than Christmas.
Now I'd love to hear from you Beloved! Comment and let me know what was your favorite Christmas tradition as a child? I can't wait to chat with you more in the comments.