The 4 Spiritual Seasons | Which Season are You Experiencing?

I like spring but . . .not this spring.
Winter just doesn't want to leave and I'm craving warm walks after dinner, coat-less trips to the bus stop, and popsicles at the park.
Each season brings on change, new blessings, and challenges. Just as the weather experiences different seasons so do the seasons of our spiritual lives. What works in one season will not work in another.
Understanding what spiritual season you are in is essential to the growth of your faith and relationship with God. So in today's video, I'm sharing with you the 4 spiritual seasons and encouragement for each season. Once you've watched the video take our Spiritual Seasons quiz to discover exactly which season you are in and what Beloved resources may best serve you. Enjoy!
Check out the comments below to discover which season I'm in and then let me know which season you're experiencing.
If today’s video was helpful to you please share it with a sister friend. You never know who may need some Beloved encouragement today.
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