The 3 Prayer Personality Types

Did you know God made us all beautifully different, even in how we pray? That’s right. Your prayer personality is the unique way you are most likely to communicate with God, and knowing which of the 3 prayer personality types you have can equip you to hear from God more clearly and overcome any obstacles to your communication with Him. In today’s video, I’m sharing what the 3 prayer personalities are to help you make prayer as natural and consistent as breathing. Enjoy!
A common mistake many Christians make is thinking there is only one right way to pray. It’s not true. In fact, I have a video called the 10 types of prayers that teaches the many ways we can and should engage God in prayer. Choosing which type of prayer to pray depends on what our need is, what we’re experiencing in a particular season, and even what I like to call your prayer personality which reflects how we talk to God and also how we are most likely are to hear from Him.
In today’s video, you will learn:
- The 3 types of prayer personalities.
- How to determine your prayer personality type.
- What benefits and struggles each type brings.
But first, I need you to know my 3 prayer personality types is not an exhaustive list. These are the most common 3 I’ve witnessed from my experience. I also need to note that you may also not only have just one prayer personality type. You might have multiple, but if you take my prayer personality quiz at, it will tell you what your dominant type is.
The 3 Prayer Personality Types
But for now, let’s get right into the 3 prayer personality types.
1. Spiritual Prayer Personality Type
The first prayer personality type is the spiritual prayer personality. This is someone who's very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and most likely will hear from God during their quiet time or during their prayer time with Him.
Signs that you might have a spiritual prayer personality is that you often hear from God during quiet prayer times and you may frequently be moved by the Holy Spirit. Walking with this Spirit and being in step with the Spirit comes very naturally to you. You may experience God through miracles or the conviction of heart. You're very sensitive to that.
In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul talks about the blessings that we have in heavenly places and spiritual warfare. He reveals that there is more to reality than what we simply see and brag; there is the spiritual realm that we actually have the ability to tap into because God’s Spirit dwells in us and we are spiritual beings.
We're both physical and spiritual beings. Someone with a spiritual personality type will find it easy to be able to tap into that spiritual realm, and to sense things, hear things, and see things in the spirit. Others may have a difficult time hearing from God and you don’t.
What that also means is that because you're tapped into that spiritual realm, you can also hear from Satan as well, so it's going to be really important for someone with a spiritual prayer personality to use discernment when receiving messages in the spirit and to keep up the practice of making uninterrupted time with God to hear from Him. The good news is that the more time that you spend with God, the more you will be able to discern His voice from all the others.
2. Empathetic Prayer Personality
The second type is the empathetic prayer personality. This is someone who is easily moved by their emotions to hear from God. God can easily move your heart and sway your desires to where He wants you to go. You probably can easily discern what God wants you to do and you feel it in your heart.
Signs that you have an empathetic prayer personality is that you are a feeler. You feel all the feelings and while some people think this is a bad thing, it's really not. Feelings in and of themselves are not bad, and God will actually use your feelings to speak to us as we operate in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Now of course, we can get in over our heads and allow our feelings to control our lives. That is exactly what we do not want to do. We want God to be able to tap into our desires, heart, and emotions, to be able to move us and speak to us in the way that He desires so that we can actually hear from Him.
The empathetic prayer personality will most likely hear from God as they're studying the Word. They might feel God move in their heart at a particular Word or particular verse. Confirmation is also a big way that an empathetic prayer personality will hear from God and also through dreams.
If you’re interested, be sure to subscribe because I plan to create a video on how to discern if a dream is from God and I don’t want you to miss it.
If you have an empathetic prayer personality, it is going to be important for you to stay in God's Word to ensure that your emotions are being directed by the truth of God. Emotions are indicators, but they are not to lead us apart from God.
3. Natural Prayer Personality
Next is the natural prayer personality. This person has the unique ability to learn from the past and current circumstances in their life to know which direction God is leading them. This prayer personality will most likely hear from God through actual experiences that they've had, or even current circumstances in their relationships and communication with other people.
I also call this one the physical prayer personality because they really are hearing from God in the physical. So this person may hear from God and sense His presence greatly when they are in nature. If you're one of those people that when you are outside or you're at the beach and your feet are in the sand, it heightens your senses to be able to sense God's presence and hear from Him, you could very well have a natural prayer personality type.
A lot of people feel like prayer is spiritual and they will only hear from God in a spiritual encounter and that's just not true. If you have a natural prayer personality type, my encouragement to you is to continue the practice of making time to get outside and spend time with God in nature and encourage an awareness to see and experience God in all parts of life.
As I’ve said, God speaks to us in multiple ways. He speaks to us through other people, through our circumstances, dreams, His word, and more. Not only that, how we hear from God is greatly impacted based on our individual personalities.
I encourage you to take my prayer personality quiz at to learn if you are most likely a spiritual, empathetic, or natural prayer personality type.
- Hearing from God is important because He has a message for you. He loves you.
- He saved your soul so you can have a relationship with Him.
Regardless of how you hear from God, I pray you receive His message loud and clear. To do so, watch this video where I share how to recognize the voice of God.
For more encouragement, download my free Bible Study called “Worry-Free” to learn the 3 lies feeding your worry and the truth to set you free at Thanks for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.