Why God Called You to the Wilderness

Cain is quoted saying, “Sometimes when you find yourself in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted.” No one wants to experience a wilderness season, but we all will at some point. Honestly, a majority of our spiritual growth will occur in seasons of isolation, suffering, and pain. We, however, do not journey through this season alone. God is with us every step of the way, and in today’s video, I want to share with you how to grow closer to God and trust Him even in a wilderness season. Enjoy!
Navigating a wilderness season requires an elevated dependence on God. It’s in these seasons when our senses are heightened to how much we need God because we’re face to face with our lack. As I incurred a neck injury a few years ago, it was a serious wilderness season for me. At first I didn’t know what was going on and why I was in excruciating pain, then I was misdiagnosed, which only exacerbated matters, and that was followed by a bumpy journey of healing and recovery.
The most challenging part wasn’t the pain but knowing my kids were worried seeing me in pain and time, I felt like I was missing out with family and friends. I just didn’t understand why God had me go through all that. It made no sense, but I resolved to trust Him anyway. Now looking back; however, I can clearly see God’s hand all on that wilderness season, from leading me to the right doctors, miraculous healings that surprised those doctors, overwhelming me with His presence, and showing me that even when I didn’t feel Him. He was there. If anything, that season deepened my trust and faith in God on a level I don’t think could have in any other circumstances. So while I’m not looking for a wilderness season, I’ve experienced firsthand how God is closest to us in the dark.
Wilderness seasons are times of lack, waiting, and even suffering. Seasons like this can be very lonely, especially if God appears to be silent. You're making it day by day, but you don't feel like you have enough as you wait for God in this season. It’s here you need to fight the urge to shut down, stay angry, or run away. Resist the lies this season tells and cling to God's truth because some of the most important spiritual growth in our lives occurs in a wilderness season.
When we think of growth, we think of growing bigger. As children, we want to grow taller and up. But spiritual growth first grows down as we become deeply rooted in God’s truth. Colossians 2:7 says:
“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:7 NLT)
Often in gardening, we focus on the plant, the fruit, or the flower. We often give little thought to the roots of a plant. But we must not forget it’s the unseen root of a plant that enables it to grow fruit and flower in the first plant. And it's this growth that takes place in a wilderness season.
Last year, I grew a flower garden in our front yard, and a few of the flowers were struggling and were starting to wither. As my son helped me to water them to bring them back to life, I saw he kept putting water on the petals of the flower and leaves of the plants. I said, "son, you have to water the roots for the plant to get the water.” It’s hydrated roots that transport much-needed water to the rest of the plant. It will not be enough to water your petals and spend all your energy on how you look or how you come across. A sustaining faith comes from not looking like you are well watered but actually being well watered.
When our hearts are saturated in God’s truth it is then that His truth permeates to every other aspect of your life. And many times that watering occurs in the dark of a wilderness season.
Watering the withering petals of a plant will not restore it. In the same way, we can’t treat the symptoms and not the root cause of a matter. Growth doesn’t come from treating the symptoms but from treating the root system.
Jesus says
“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)
Much of the spiritual growth we experience will happen in the dark, unseen, and often overlooked wilderness seasons of our life, much like roots growing in soil. Proverbs 12:12 says:
“The root of the righteous bears fruit.” (Proverbs 12:12b ESV)
I like to say it this way, fruit starts at the root. Much of our root growth is established in wilderness seasons. It’s here we must remember we are not alone. The darkness of this season is not meant to destroy us but to provide the necessary conditions for growth. A seed cannot grow unless it is broken first. In the same way, God will use our brokenness to start growth in us to strengthen us for seasons to come. But don’t think that God wants us to be broken and stay broken. He does not take our pain lightly, but He will use our brokenness for our good, His glory, and to produce fruit in our lives. Honestly, when I think of many of the blessings in my life, I can look back and see how they originated from some sort of brokenness that opened a door for God to give me something better.
In a wilderness season, we must remember this is not the end. You are victorious in Christ. It may not seem like it, but the wilderness season is when God is the closest to us. He is right beside us in the dark and depressing times. Psalm 34:18 reminds us:
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18 ESV)
A wilderness season is like winter. We don’t often associate it with growth, but it’s often where the most important growth occurs. It’s in the cold dark soil where the seed breaks and roots start to grow. It’s the growth no one sees but is necessary for fruitful living. Your wilderness season is the time to press into the presence of God and understand that no season lasts forever. This, too, shall pass.
Today’s video is part of a series called “Growing Closer to God in Any Season,” where we’re learning how to trust God in a wilderness, pruning, growing, or harvest season. Take my “Spiritual Seasons” quiz to learn which of the 4 spiritual seasons you are in currently, and be sure to comment on to this video and let me know your results.
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As always, thank you so much for watching, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and be loved.