7 Questions to Discover Your Purpose

Our Creator God, is purposeful and intentional. That means He has a reason for everything He does, including why He created you. He gives us all purpose and places a specific call on our lives. In today’s video, I’m sharing 7 important questions to ask yourself to confidently discover God’s purpose in your life.
Today I’m sharing how to discover your God-given purpose. Now all believers have the same call to go and make disciples as Jesus commands in Matthew 28:19, but we also have specific purposes and assignments from God that are unique to each of us.
Many people struggle with knowing what that purpose is for themselves. In our social media-driven society, we battle comparisons that distract us from doing the work to discover our own calling, because we’re looking at what everyone else is doing.
However, we don’t find our purpose by looking out, and contrary to common belief, we don’t discover our purpose by looking in. Our purpose is revealed to us by looking up to God. The purpose of anything is found in the One who created it. Our purpose comes from God, and it’s for God. Still, you may be wondering, ok, that’s great, Christina so when is God going to tell me my purpose? Well, unless you’re like Moses, He most likely won’t tell you with a burning bush. You may just have to do some searching and discovery. The Bible says:
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” (â€â€Proverbs‬ â€25:2‬ â€NKJV‬)
Here’s the thing; we can’t search for our purpose without looking to God. This is not to frustrate us, but to take us on a journey to not only prepare us for our purpose, but to also help us learn about the God who has graciously given us that purpose in the first place.
So in today’s video, I’m going to share with you 7 important questions to ask yourself to discover what specific purpose it is that God has entrusted to you so you can walk in that purpose with confidence and boldness.
1. What is my POSITION?
The first question to ask yourself to discover your purpose is: what is your position? Your position is where you are in life. Both your physical location and the season of life you are in reveal what God is calling you to do. By God’s sovereignty, He has placed us where we are in life at this moment for a reason. Pay attention and look around. Who has He put you around? These are the immediate people you are called to serve. Whether it’s your family, co-workers, or neighbors, God does not have you here by accident, so your position is connected to your purpose.
Where are you in life right now? What do you believe this might reveal about God’s purpose for you? What season of life are you in? Why do you think God has called you to this season and what lessons are there for you to learn here?
2. What is my PASSION?
Next, you want to ask yourself: what is my passion? What do you love to do? What do you do that makes you feel alive and closest to God? What would you do for free? Whatever that is, is your passion. This is what you want to do. Whatever it is you’re called to do, even if you feel like you don’t know what it is, in some capacity, is already revealed in the passions that are in your heart. Now you may be thinking the heart is deceptive, can my passion really dictate my purpose? When we place God first, and He has access to our hearts, the answer is yes, because He can move our hearts as He pleases.
What are you passionate about and absolutely love doing? What is something you loved doing as a child? Do you see ways you can pursue or already are pursuing that passion as an adult?
3. What is my PROFICIENCY?
The third question you want to ask yourself to discover your purpose is what is my proficiency? What are you good at doing? What are your gifts and talents? These are important questions to ask because they too, come from God and reveal His calling on your life.
I love that our talents are also called gifts. They are precious skills and capacities that God gives us that He doesn’t give to everyone. On top of that, when you mix your talents with your unique passions and experiences, it reveals a unique calling on your life that no one can answer but you. I think of Joseph, who was gifted at leadership, and whether he was a slave, imprisoned, or ruled Egypt, this gift went with Him. Proverbs 18:16 says:
“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.” (â€â€Proverbs‬ â€18‬:â€16‬ â€ESV‬‬)
What I love about purpose is that it can’t be contained by your situation. Wherever you are, there is a purpose for your life.
What are you good at doing? What is something people always ask you for help with because they know you are good at it? What comes easy to you that doesn’t come so easily to others? What gifts and talents do you believe God has entrusted to you?
4. What is in my POSSESSION?
The next question to ask to discover God’s purpose for your life is what is in your possession? What do you have to work with?
In Genesis, God called man and woman to subdue the earth. We are charged to build and create and make earth a great place to live, but God doesn’t give us finished products, but He gives us the raw materials to use. So what are your raw materials? What do you have on hand because they are a great clue as to what you’re called to do?
When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, Moses gave God every excuse he could think of not to do it. God asks Him: “What’s in your hand?” Well, Moses just had a staff. But God used that staff to perform miracles and wonders as Moses answered his call to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
So ask yourself the same question: what’s in your hand? Do you have hair supplies to do hair? A notebook and pen to write? A smartphone to record video?
Now you might feel you don’t have much in your hand, or that you don’t possess a lot, and that’s ok because God does not need a lot to do a lot. Trust God with what you have. He is faithful to finish what you start.
What resources do you have available to create, serve or lead with? What’s in your hand? What do you believe God wants you to do with these resources?
5. What is the PROBLEM?
The next question that you want to ask when it comes to discovering your purpose is what is the problem? Often, we are really good at finding a problem and complaining and discovering how things can be better because we’re frustrated that they are not operating at their full potential. What we’re not good at however, is often realizing that we are the solution to the problems that frustrate us. Discovering your purpose isn’t only about what you like, but it’s also revealed in what you dislike.
We have to be careful with this because the Bible tells us that man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. (James 1:20) So although that frustration may be a signal to what our purpose is, it cannot be our ultimate motivator. It is our job to look at the things that discourage us in this world and seek the Lord on how He wants us to be the solution.
What problems in life and the world make you upset? What’s a topic that has always frustrated you? Why do you think this problem bothers you the way it does? How can you see God using you to be a solution to that problem?
6. What’s in my PAST?
Your past does not define you, but it can propel you to your purpose.
Your past tells a story. A question that you want to ask yourself when it comes to discovering your God-given purpose is what is in my past? Oftentimes, the things that we’ve been through and the experiences that we have lived give insight into the purpose that God has called us. This is because God never wastes anything. Whether our past was glorious or painful, God can turn it all into purpose.
We too often want to run from our past, when in actuality, our past holds a key to our purpose if we will give God the chance to heal us from our past, so we can then have the power and authority to help heal others. Often, purpose is birthed out of a painful past. Not that God wants us to experience pain, but He will use it to propel us to our purpose.
How has your last affected who you have become? What have you overcome in your past, and how can you help others overcome as well?
7. What is my POTENTIAL?
The final question you want to ask to uncover your purpose is, what is my potential? There are certain things about you that reveal your purpose that have yet to be discovered, but God knows they are there. This is why He often calls us to do things that seem bigger to us or before we feel ready. We don’t know our potential, but God does. So when God leads you to do something you’re never done before or something you feel weak in, it’s because He knows your potential. As you walk in it, you will feel stretched, but that is God pulling out the potential He placed in you from the beginning.
When is a time God has called you to do something you didn’t feel capable of doing? Thinking back on your passions, past, possession, and more. How do they reveal that you may be more ready than you think? How can you see God growing and stretching you to be who He’s calling you to be?
To help you learn even more about discovering your purpose, I invite you to join our next Bible study series titled, “Crazy or Called” as we look at the lives of ten ordinary people in the Bible called to extraordinary purposes. If you’re ready to find the boldness to confidently answer God’s call on your life, join now for free and get the study guide to follow along by visiting the links in the description of this video.
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As always, thank you so much for watching, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and be loved.
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