How to Honor God in Your Harvest Season

Everyone wants a blessed life, but we can’t overlook the truth that blessings come with a responsibility that can sometimes be heavy to maintain. In today’s video, learn how to honor...

Why God is Cutting Things Off Your Life

Have you ever experienced seasons in life where you faced test after test and trial after trial? These are what I call pruning seasons, times when God is cutting things out of our life that...

Signs You Are in a Growing Season

Spiritual growth doesn’t come without change and growing pains. When life becomes challenging, however, it’s difficult to see that your season of growth doesn’t mean to...

Why God Called You to the Wilderness

Cain is quoted saying, “Sometimes when you find yourself in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted.” No one wants to experience a...

5 Promises of God for Those Who Trust Him

Jeremiah 17:7 says: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.” (ESV) Although trusting God is easier said than done, the scriptures reveal that doing so has...

How to Recognize Which Spiritual Season You Are In

If a farmer knows the best time to plant tomatoes is between April and July, it would be foolish for him to plant them in November and expect a flourishing harvest. Seeds have to be plated at...

Overcoming Father Wounds with Kia Stephens

Today’s guest, Kia Stephens, knows that pain very well. She is a Christian speaker, writer, and author of the book “Overcoming Father Wounds: Exchange Your Pain for God’s Perfect...

There is No Fear in Love

In 1 John 4:18, we learn that “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” In today’s Bible study, we will explore what that means and 3 ways we can experience...

5 Signs God Hears Your Prayer

Sometimes when we pray, we can feel the presence of God. Other times, it can feel like we’re just talking to the air, and we wonder, does God really hear my prayers? In today’s video,...

Approach the Throne of God with Confidence

The author of Hebrews encourages believers not just to approach God, but to do so with confidence. Yet, how often do we hesitate to draw near to God because we question whether He really hears us...

7 Signs God Is Showing You His Love

God is love. Jesus loves you. Love wins. All these cliches sound good, but they do not impact our lives unless we believe that God loves us and then act like we are, in fact, loved by God. Our...

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