Did you know God made us all beautifully different, even in how we pray? That’s right. Your prayer personality is the unique way you are most likely to communicate with God, and knowing which...
If you’re a Christian woman who feels discouraged, you’re not alone. We’re constantly tempted to compare instead of being content; we’re encouraged to rush instead of...
Have you ever had not just a bad day, but a bad year or season? How about two years? 2020 and 2021 were some of the most challenging years of my life. I had two surgeries in 2020, and in 2021, I...
Your lack of confidence is deeper than just being insecure, comparing yourself to others, or minimizing your gifts and has much more to do with your faith than you might think. If you desire to...
Often, prayer can be easy and comforting. Other times, prayer can feel like talking to a brick wall. Why is it that sometimes it's easier to pray than others? I'm answering that question in today's...
What’s getting between you and growing a closer relationship with God? You might say all the distractions you’re tempted with in this world, not feeling disciplined enough, or let me...
There are 2 thoughts that hold Christians back from powerful prayer. One, you think God only hears the prayers of some people and not yours, and two, you think your prayers aren’t good...
Do you ever wonder why someone of faith can also live a life that lacks the peace, clarity, and abundance the Bible promises to those who follow Christ? The answer is found in the subtle difference...
A word from God can change your life forever, so we certainly want to be able to recognize when He’s speaking to us. So let me ask you: if God were trying to get your attention, would you...
Have you ever felt yourself slowly losing your passion for God and the things of God? Have you ever felt yourself going through the motions in your relationship with God without the same sense of...
There is a lot of online talk about soul ties, but what are they? Are soul ties in the Bible, and how do we practically break a soul tie, if that’s even possible? Stay tuned because in...
When it comes to prayer, we understand the importance of making time to speak to God, but what if we don’t hear Him speak back? In today’s video, we look at Psalm 42 to learn three...